As an Asian American who grew up in rural Virginia in the 1980's, I crave seeing heroes on screen who look and sound like me.

I was born in New York City, grew up in the rural South, and worked all over the world, including in Vienna, London, and Hong Kong. I hail from Cantonese and Taiwanese heritage.
As a writer / director, I create entertaining & meaningful stories where English speaking Asians are the A Story protagonists. Doesn't have to be all Asians all the time, but it’s nice to not always be the IT guy!
I’ve been honored with awards for my portfolio of work, which includes:
• My teenage superhero episodic pilot script JIN is currently a Semifinalist in the Stage 32 Diversity Springboard Screenwriting Contest.
• Writer / Director of the fantasy action short Bloodtraffick (Grace Huang, Kirt Kishita)
• Writer / Director of the web series LUMINA (JuJu Chan, Michael Chan)
• Director of the web series Mister French Taste (Olivier Malet, Osric Chau, Sarah Lian)
• Producer of the thriller feature film Jasmine (Jason Tobin, Byron Mann, Eugenia Yuan)